
本文档中的关键字“必须”、“不得”、“要求”、“应”、“不得”、“应该”、“不应”、“推荐”、“可以”和“可选”是为了按照 RFC 2119 中的说明进行解释。

每个符合 VIP-3525 的合约都必须实现 VIP-3525、VIP-721 和 VIP-165 接口

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @title VIP-3525 Semi-Fungible Token Standard
 * Note: the VIP-165 identifier for this interface is 0xd5358140.
interface IVRC3525 /* is IVRC165, IVRC721 */ {
     * @dev MUST emit when value of a token is transferred to another token with the same slot,
     *  including zero value transfers (_value == 0) as well as transfers when tokens are created
     *  (`_fromTokenId` == 0) or destroyed (`_toTokenId` == 0).
     * @param _fromTokenId The token id to transfer value from
     * @param _toTokenId The token id to transfer value to
     * @param _value The transferred value
    event TransferValue(uint256 indexed _fromTokenId, uint256 indexed _toTokenId, uint256 _value);

     * @dev MUST emit when the approval value of a token is set or changed.
     * @param _tokenId The token to approve
     * @param _operator The operator to approve for
     * @param _value The maximum value that `_operator` is allowed to manage
    event ApprovalValue(uint256 indexed _tokenId, address indexed _operator, uint256 _value);
     * @dev MUST emit when the slot of a token is set or changed.
     * @param _tokenId The token of which slot is set or changed
     * @param _oldSlot The previous slot of the token
     * @param _newSlot The updated slot of the token
    event SlotChanged(uint256 indexed _tokenId, uint256 indexed _oldSlot, uint256 indexed _newSlot);

     * @notice Get the number of decimals the token uses for value - e.g. 6, means the user
     *  representation of the value of a token can be calculated by dividing it by 1,000,000.
     *  Considering the compatibility with third-party wallets, this function is defined as
     *  `valueDecimals()` instead of `decimals()` to avoid conflict with VIP-20 tokens.
     * @return The number of decimals for value
    function valueDecimals() external view returns (uint8);

     * @notice Get the value of a token.
     * @param _tokenId The token for which to query the balance
     * @return The value of `_tokenId`
    function balanceOf(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice Get the slot of a token.
     * @param _tokenId The identifier for a token
     * @return The slot of the token
    function slotOf(uint256 _tokenId) external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice Allow an operator to manage the value of a token, up to the `_value`.
     * @dev MUST revert unless caller is the current owner, an authorized operator, or the approved
     *  address for `_tokenId`.
     *  MUST emit the ApprovalValue event.
     * @param _tokenId The token to approve
     * @param _operator The operator to be approved
     * @param _value The maximum value of `_toTokenId` that `_operator` is allowed to manage
    function approve(
        uint256 _tokenId,
        address _operator,
        uint256 _value
    ) external payable;

     * @notice Get the maximum value of a token that an operator is allowed to manage.
     * @param _tokenId The token for which to query the allowance
     * @param _operator The address of an operator
     * @return The current approval value of `_tokenId` that `_operator` is allowed to manage
    function allowance(uint256 _tokenId, address _operator) external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice Transfer value from a specified token to another specified token with the same slot.
     * @dev Caller MUST be the current owner, an authorized operator or an operator who has been
     *  approved the whole `_fromTokenId` or part of it.
     *  MUST revert if `_fromTokenId` or `_toTokenId` is zero token id or does not exist.
     *  MUST revert if slots of `_fromTokenId` and `_toTokenId` do not match.
     *  MUST revert if `_value` exceeds the balance of `_fromTokenId` or its allowance to the
     *  operator.
     *  MUST emit `TransferValue` event.
     * @param _fromTokenId The token to transfer value from
     * @param _toTokenId The token to transfer value to
     * @param _value The transferred value
    function transferFrom(
        uint256 _fromTokenId,
        uint256 _toTokenId,
        uint256 _value
    ) external payable;

     * @notice Transfer value from a specified token to an address. The caller should confirm that
     *  `_to` is capable of receiving VIP-3525 tokens.
     * @dev This function MUST create a new VIP-3525 token with the same slot for `_to`, 
     *  or find an existing token with the same slot owned by `_to`, to receive the transferred value.
     *  MUST revert if `_fromTokenId` is zero token id or does not exist.
     *  MUST revert if `_to` is zero address.
     *  MUST revert if `_value` exceeds the balance of `_fromTokenId` or its allowance to the
     *  operator.
     *  MUST emit `Transfer` and `TransferValue` events.
     * @param _fromTokenId The token to transfer value from
     * @param _to The address to transfer value to
     * @param _value The transferred value
     * @return ID of the token which receives the transferred value
    function transferFrom(
        uint256 _fromTokenId,
        address _to,
        uint256 _value
    ) external payable returns (uint256);

SLOT的枚举扩展是可选的。这允许您的合约发布其完整的 SLOT 列表并使其可被发现。

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @title VIP-3525 Semi-Fungible Token Standard, optional extension for slot enumeration
 * @dev Interfaces for any contract that wants to support enumeration of slots as well as tokens 
 *  with the same slot.
 * Note: the VIP-165 identifier for this interface is 0x3b741b9e.
interface IVRC3525SlotEnumerable is IVRC3525 /* , IVRC721Enumerable */ {

     * @notice Get the total amount of slots stored by the contract.
     * @return The total amount of slots
    function slotCount() external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice Get the slot at the specified index of all slots stored by the contract.
     * @param _index The index in the slot list
     * @return The slot at `index` of all slots.
    function slotByIndex(uint256 _index) external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice Get the total amount of tokens with the same slot.
     * @param _slot The slot to query token supply for
     * @return The total amount of tokens with the specified `_slot`
    function tokenSupplyInSlot(uint256 _slot) external view returns (uint256);

     * @notice Get the token at the specified index of all tokens with the same slot.
     * @param _slot The slot to query tokens with
     * @param _index The index in the token list of the slot
     * @return The token ID at `_index` of all tokens with `_slot`
    function tokenInSlotByIndex(uint256 _slot, uint256 _index) external view returns (uint256);


pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @title VIP-3525 Semi-Fungible Token Standard, optional extension for approval of slot level
 * @dev Interfaces for any contract that wants to support approval of slot level, which allows an
 *  operator to manage one's tokens with the same slot.
 * Note: the VIP-165 identifier for this interface is 0xb688be58.
interface IVRC3525SlotApprovable is IVRC3525 {
     * @dev MUST emit when an operator is approved or disapproved to manage all of `_owner`'s
     *  tokens with the same slot.
     * @param _owner The address whose tokens are approved
     * @param _slot The slot to approve, all of `_owner`'s tokens with this slot are approved
     * @param _operator The operator being approved or disapproved
     * @param _approved Identify if `_operator` is approved or disapproved
    event ApprovalForSlot(address indexed _owner, uint256 indexed _slot, address indexed _operator, bool _approved);

     * @notice Approve or disapprove an operator to manage all of `_owner`'s tokens with the
     *  specified slot.
     * @dev Caller SHOULD be `_owner` or an operator who has been authorized through
     *  `setApprovalForAll`.
     *  MUST emit ApprovalSlot event.
     * @param _owner The address that owns the VIP-3525 tokens
     * @param _slot The slot of tokens being queried approval of
     * @param _operator The address for whom to query approval
     * @param _approved Identify if `_operator` would be approved or disapproved
    function setApprovalForSlot(
        address _owner,
        uint256 _slot,
        address _operator,
        bool _approved
    ) external payable;

     * @notice Query if `_operator` is authorized to manage all of `_owner`'s tokens with the
     *  specified slot.
     * @param _owner The address that owns the VIP-3525 tokens
     * @param _slot The slot of tokens being queried approval of
     * @param _operator The address for whom to query approval
     * @return True if `_operator` is authorized to manage all of `_owner`'s tokens with `_slot`,
     *  false otherwise.
    function isApprovedForSlot(
        address _owner,
        uint256 _slot,
        address _operator
    ) external view returns (bool);

VIP-3525 令牌接收器
如果智能合约想要在收到来自其他地址的值时得到通知,它应该实现 IVRC3525Receiver 接口中的所有功能,在实现中它可以决定是接受还是拒绝转账。有关详细信息,请参阅“转移规则”。

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @title VIP-3525 token receiver interface
 * @dev Interface for a smart contract that wants to be informed by VIP-3525 contracts when receiving values from ANY addresses or VIP-3525 tokens.
 * Note: the VIP-165 identifier for this interface is 0x009ce20b.
interface IVRC3525Receiver {
     * @notice Handle the recVIPt of an VIP-3525 token value.
     * @dev An VIP-3525 smart contract MUST check whether this function is implemented by the recipient contract, if the
     *  recipient contract implements this function, the VIP-3525 contract MUST call this function after a 
     *  value transfer (i.e. `transferFrom(uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes)`).
     *  MUST return 0x009ce20b (i.e. `bytes4(keccak256('onVRC3525Received(address,uint256,uint256,
     *  uint256,bytes)'))`) if the transfer is accepted.
     *  MUST revert or return any value other than 0x009ce20b if the transfer is rejected.
     * @param _operator The address which triggered the transfer
     * @param _fromTokenId The token id to transfer value from
     * @param _toTokenId The token id to transfer value to
     * @param _value The transferred value
     * @param _data Additional data with no specified format
     * @return `bytes4(keccak256('onVRC3525Received(address,uint256,uint256,uint256,bytes)'))` 
     *  unless the transfer is rejected.
    function onVRC3525Received(address _operator, uint256 _fromTokenId, uint256 _toTokenId, uint256 _value, bytes calldata _data) external returns (bytes4);


VIP-3525 元数据扩展是兼容的 VIP-721 元数据扩展。
这个可选接口可以通过 VIP-165 标准接口检测来识别。

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

 * @title VIP-3525 Semi-Fungible Token Standard, optional extension for metadata
 * @dev Interfaces for any contract that wants to support query of the Uniform Resource Identifier
 *  (URI) for the VIP-3525 contract as well as a specified slot. 
 *  Because of the higher reliability of data stored in smart contracts compared to data stored in 
 *  centralized systems, it is recommended that metadata, including `contractURI`, `slotURI` and 
 *  `tokenURI`, be directly returned in JSON format, instead of being returned with a url pointing 
 *  to any resource stored in a centralized system. 
 * Note: the VIP-165 identifier for this interface is 0xe1600902.
interface IVRC3525Metadata is
    IVRC3525 /* , IVRC721Metadata */
     * @notice Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the current VIP-3525 contract.
     * @dev This function SHOULD return the URI for this contract in JSON format, starting with
     *  header `data:application/json;`.
     * @return The JSON formatted URI of the current VIP-3525 contract
    function contractURI() external view returns (string memory);

     * @notice Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the specified slot.
     * @dev This function SHOULD return the URI for `_slot` in JSON format, starting with header
     *  `data:application/json;`.
     * @return The JSON formatted URI of `_slot`
    function slotURI(uint256 _slot) external view returns (string memory);

VIP-3525 元数据 URI JSON 架构
这是上面引用的“contractURI() 的 VIP-3525 元数据 JSON 模式”。

  "title": "Contract Metadata",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Contract Name"
    "description": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Describes the contract"
    "image": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Optional. Either a base64 encoded imgae data or a URI pointing to a resource with mime type image/* representing what this contract represents."
    "external_link": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Optional. A URI pointing to an external resource."
    "valueDecimals": {
      "type": "integer",
      "description": "The number of decimal places that the balance should display - e.g. 18, means to divide the token value by 1000000000000000000 to get its user representation."
This is the “VIP-3525 Metadata JSON Schema for slotURI(uint)” referenced above.

  "title": "Slot Metadata",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Identifies the asset category to which this slot represents"
    "description": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Describes the asset category to which this slot represents"
    "image": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Optional. Either a base64 encoded imgae data or a URI pointing to a resource with mime type image/* representing the asset category to which this slot represents."
    "properties": {
      "type": "array",
      "description": "Each item of `properties` SHOULD be organized in object format, including name, description, value, order (optional), display_type (optional), etc."
      "items": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
          "name": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "The name of this property."
          "description": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Describes this property."
          "value": {
            "description": "The value of this property, which may be a string or a number."
          "is_intrinsic": {
            "type": "boolean",
            "description": "According to the definition of `slot`, one of the best practice to generate the value of a slot is utilizing the `keccak256` algorithm to calculate the hash value of multi properties. In this scenario, the `properties` field should contain all the properties that are used to calculate the value of `slot`, and if a property is used in the calculation, is_intrinsic must be TRUE."
          "order": {
            "type": "integer",
            "description": "Optional, related to the value of is_intrinsic. If is_intrinsic is TRUE, it must be the order of this property appeared in the calculation method of the slot."
          "display_type": {
            "type": "string",
            "description": "Optional. Specifies in what form this property should be displayed."
This is the “VIP-3525 Metadata JSON Schema for tokenURI(uint)” referenced above.

  "title": "Token Metadata",
  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "name": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Identifies the asset to which this token represents"
    "description": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Describes the asset to which this token represents"
    "image": {
      "type": "string",
      "description": "Either a base64 encoded imgae data or a URI pointing to a resource with mime type image/* representing the asset to which this token represents."
    "balance": {
      "type": "integer",
      "description": "THe value held by this token."
    "slot": {
      "type": "integer",
      "description": "The id of the slot that this token belongs to."
    "properties": {
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Arbitrary properties. Values may be strings, numbers, objects or arrays. Optional, you can use the same schema as the properties section of VIP-3525 Metadata JSON Schema for slotURI(uint) if you need a better description attribute."